Health through Oscillations and Waves by Georges Lakhovsky

Health through Oscillations and Waves by Georges Lakhovsky

Author:Georges Lakhovsky [Lakhovsky, Georges]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2021-05-07T00:00:00+00:00


It follows from Mr. Lakhovsky's theories, as well as from the observations we have published above, that the action of the oscillating circuit is not specific for this or that disease. But, by reinforcing the oscillation of the cells and by regulating it, this circuit contributes effectively to the maintenance of the oscillatory equilibrium of the organism, and consequently to the maintenance of health, by facilitating the normal division of the cells without accidents, hence the victorious struggle of the organism against all pathogenic causes. As we came to ask for his approval for the publication of this booklet and as he handed me the comments he received, Mr. Georges Lakhovsky kindly made the following statement: "Above all, make it clear in your booklet that cancer in its early stages is a curable disease and that the only rapid and radical means that can be used at this time are surgical removal, radium and sometimes X-rays. "Tell the public that as soon as they feel a small hard and persistent pimple on the tongue, on the gums or some redness, with a grayish substance, on the walls of the mouth or some stomach sluggishness with weight loss or vomiting of "coffee grounds", indurations as big as a hazelnut in the breasts, or persistent uterine hemorrhages, repeat to them that they must run immediately to the doctor. A few weeks later it would be too late to try with certain success the surgical removal of the disease or the above mentioned treatments. "I have never advised to apply my oscillating circuits in hospitals only to patients who can be operated surgically or treated with radium, etc. There is nothing to prevent you from providing the patients with oscillating circuits when surgery or medicine have already begun their classical treatments. This way, if surgery or medical intervention fails, you will be sure, if not to cure the patient, at least to stop the disease, to localize it and to eliminate the suffering. In desperate cases, we have seen patients without these circuits die without suffering. "We have observed in some cases, like Professor Attilj, notable improvements that have lasted for three years in patients abandoned by medicine and surgery. But we must be very careful in our conclusions and wait to see if recurrences or metastases do not occur later. "I will conclude that, since my oscillating circuits have been able to act effectively on dying patients, they can a fortiori be used successfully as a preventive means. But I repeat that, for nothing in the world, it would be necessary to renounce to turn to surgery and medicine at the beginning of the disease to adopt exclusively my oscillating circuits, whereas I never wanted to try this experiment myself. I never wanted to try this experiment myself, because the time that this terrible disease gives us to use the means that science offers us today is so short that the slightest negligence in treating oneself can be fatal. So at the slightest suspicion of cancer, run immediately to the doctor.


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